Sunday, February 17, 2013

Valentine's Day: India Style

February 14th was celebrated with much to-do in the volunteer house. Purnima loves to throw parties, so we planned a party for the night of Valentine's Day. That morning, much to my surprise, I received a card in the mail! It was an incredibly sweet card from my parents, and it made my day to receive a note from home.

Valentine's Day is not a widely recognized holiday here, so at the project I took some time to explain where it came from, and then we discussed American versus Indian weddings, and the girls were very animated. They were puzzled that we ate cake at our wedding parties, and that the bride wore white instead of red and typically wasn't laden down with as much gold jewelry as possible. Then we made valentine's day cards for each other and ate some chocolates.

That night Purnima threw her party, and we all gathered on the roof where we enjoyed an abundance of sodas, snacks and samosas! We had decided earlier in the week to do secret valentines where we all drew a name and then had to write a nice note for whomever we drew, and it turned out to be quite fun. There were lots of fireworks going off that night as people celebrated weddings in the neighborhood. Overall, it was a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine's day.

Me and Purnima

All the volunteers and their valentines
My valentine from Greta 

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