Monday, January 14, 2013

1 Week Later

I have been in India for one week, and I have a LOT to reflect on. Being here has been challenging and rewarding, even in only 7 days. I am still pretty homesick, and I miss my friends and family, but with every day I get a little more comfortable with the thought of being here for 5 months.

Things I Like:
-- The volunteer home. The house itself is very well equipped, but it's the people that make it absolutely wonderful. Every volunteer has their own story and their own history, and they're all incredibly nice. Last night, a group of us got together and watched Dirty Dancing. Huddled under our blankets, it felt like a giant slumber party. Purnima, the cook, is a delight, and Amita and Pranay (the heads of the organization) are extremely kind and accommodating.
-- The project. The girls at the project are engaging and fun. I love planning lessons for them and watching them learn. They've also taught me some more Hindi.
-- Indian food
-- Bollywood movies

Things I don't like:
-- Being stared at
-- Missing people at home
-- Feeling like you're constantly being ripped off

Things I haven't made my mind up about yet:
-- Doing laundry by hand
-- The extraordinary amount of people


  1. Noel,
    I'm following you and praying for your safety. I'm loving all your beautiful photos.
    Enjoy and keep your spirits up.

  2. Yeah, your fist comment. Count on Geryl. You've got a wide following, which I think will growas the word spreads....

  3. Hi Noel! I love reading about your adventures and seeing that you're safe and happy. Safe travels! I love you!

  4. My beautiful God daughter, how worried we all were upon your declaration of making this formidable journey . . . however, as you are in my constant prayers it is abundantly clear you are hand in hand with God on this worthwhile humanitarian adventure. You're my hero. You GO GIRL. xoxo kai and K2
