Monday, January 28, 2013

A 5-Day Adventure: Jodhpur and Meharangarh Fort

The drive to Jodhpur was 6 hours, once again passed by playing 500 and just staring out the window. We finally pulled into the hotel and the hotel itself was worth the wait. It was filled with greenery and felt completely removed from the noise and chaos of Indian roads. The rooms were spacious and even had a heater!

            We didn’t arrive until late in the afternoon, so after resting a bit from our drive, we set out into the old city to walk around. Jodhpur is somewhere between Jaipur and Jaisalmer in terms of size and busyness. In the old city there is a large clock tower, left over from when the British were there. There wasn’t too much to see in the old city, though we did enjoy some peanuts and freshly squeezed orange juice bought off the street.

            Our last stop on our journey was Meharangarh Fort, just north of Jodhpur. Its claim to fame is that it was featured in Dark Knight Rises as the prison Batman escapes out of (just the façade was featured; there was no pit prison inside). It is an imposing force on the skyline of Jodhpur.

            Inside the fort was a museum that was once the palace of the royals that lived there. There were also some impressive views of Jodhpur. The buildings in Jodhpur’s old city are primarily blue (explanations as to why vary from religious purposes to theory that the blue buildings repel insects). Whatever the reason, the view was beautiful.

Sword belonging to the Mughal King Akbhar

Royal Palace

The blue city of Jodhpur 

            By this point we were all quite tired and were happy to be headed back to Jaipur for some of Purnima’s cooking and some solid rest.

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