Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dirty Laundry

Yesterday morning I did my laundry. And after washing clothes by hand, I can only imagine what a revelation the washing machine must have been! I filled a bucket up with freezing water, dumped in some detergent and the mixed it around with my hands. Then it was a repetitive process of dunking clothes in, scrubbing them furiously, rinsing them with more cold water and wringing them out. . Lastly, I hung them on the line to dry. It was humbling work.

While washing, I practiced my "Indian squat." People here have mastered the art of squatting: legs wide, butt low. It allows them to rest without having to get dirty on what is usually dusty ground

The clothes line I share with 7 other girls
By the time I finished, the water was absolutely black.

After letting them dry for a day, my clothes actually turned out pretty clean! 

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